Estate Inspections
Estate inspections are carried out by our Tenancy Services Officers twice a year. The schedule for the second period of Estate inspections to be carried out in 2024 is available to download here: estate inspection schedule autumn winter 2024.xlsx [xlsx] 23KB
You can find reports from previous estate inspections by using the search function below. These reports detail any actions taken and the overall outcome of each inspection. The target time period for completion of any service request is 5 working days, and in the case of repairs the target time period for an initial visit is 28 days.
We are working hard to get all estate inspections uploaded to our website, if you cannot find your street name, it may not have been uploaded yet.
You can search by ticking the 'name' box below and then type your street name into the search box, some streets will have more than one report depending on the number that you live at, and some streets are grouped into a larger report together.