Properties in schemes designated as sheltered housing by the Council will only be available to households who meet the requirements for this type of accommodation, e.g. the age threshold.
Applicants for sheltered housing will be subject to an assessment by the Council to establish the prospective tenant's suitability to live in their chosen Sheltered Housing community.
If you are over the age of 60 and you are a resident in the city of Southend-on-Sea, you may be eligible for Sheltered Housing.
Consideration is also given to people who have a local connection as defined within the Council’s Allocation Policy.
If you are interested in living in one of the sheltered housing schemes managed by South Essex Homes, firstly you need to register your details and be accepted on the Council’s Housing Register. Once you are registered, you can bid for properties which interest you.
Please visit the Council's On the Move website to start this process.
Don’t worry if you don’t have internet access or you require assistance, you can contact the Housing Solutions Team at the Council who will be happy to assist you through this process. You can send them an email to or call them on 01702 215002.
If you are an existing tenant of Southend-on-Sea City Council living in a general needs property, then you can also contact our Housing Support Team on 0800 833 160 who will be happy to advise you on the next steps. If you wish to down-size into a sheltered property, you may also be eligible for financial assistance to do so through our Tenant’s Incentive Scheme – you can find out more on the ‘downsizing’ page of this website.