Sheltered Housing and Careline Service Standard
We are committed to providing support to help older residents continue to lead independent lives and live in their own self-contained homes which are easy to look after.
To do this, we provide sheltered housing schemes - blocks of self-contained flats which include a support service, a daily visiting service and a range of shared facilities.
Before you move in
When we offer you a flat in one of the sheltered housing schemes, we will do the following:
- Arrange for you to visit the property with a member of staff.
- Explain the sheltered housing service to you.
- Give you advice on what you need to do to move in.
- Fully explain the tenancy conditions when you sign up for the tenancy.
- Complete a Needs and Risk Assessment to ensure all needs are being met.
- Fully explain your rent, service charge and support charges.
After you move in
Once you move in we will do the following:
- Visit you in the first 2 weeks of move in date to show you how the emergency alarm system works within your flat.
- Discuss with you any other important features of your flat and the communal areas, including washing machine usage.
Moving forwards
While you live in the sheltered scheme, we will do the following:
- Review your Needs and Risk Assessment at least once per year or more frequently if you contact us to update your records.
- Keep accurate and up-to-date records of the personal details you provide.
- Provide emergency cover 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, by providing an alarm system linked to our Careline centre.
- Respond to 97.5% of your careline calls within 60 seconds for an emergency issue.
- Set up a daily welfare call from the Careline centre if you require, this can be set up and cancelled as and when you need it.
- Keep the shared areas in the building clean and tidy.
- Regularly check your alarms, pull cords and pendants (if you have them) to make sure they are working correctly.
- Test the fire-alarm system on a weekly basis.
- Repair faults in any equipment speedily.
- Undertake 100% of weekly Health and Safety checks to all communal areas.
- Undertake Water Hygiene testing once a month.
- Hold two resident meetings a year to include all relevant departments within South Essex Homes.
You can help us:
You can help us by doing the following:
- Telling us about changes in your circumstances.
- Telling us about any changes in the information you have given us, (for example, if you change doctors or your family or friends change their phone numbers).
- Letting us know your needs. We can only help you if you share relevant information with us.
- Telling us if you are going out before you have received your daily welfare call.
- Telling us if you are going to be away from the property for any length of time.
- Being careful about letting callers into the building or into your home. (If you are in doubt, please ask the caller to wait outside and then contact the Careline Centre. Ask contractors to show their ID card).
- Not leaving your door open at any time or leaving your windows open when you leave your flat.
- Work with the Resident Engagement Team who will help you to co-ordinate social activities and events.
- Becoming representative of your scheme or setting up a residents or social group.
- Answering surveys or questionnaires and attending meetings to help us improve our service.
Satisfaction and Monitoring:
We are committed to engaging with residents regarding the services we provide, to continuously improve we will:
- Record and promote performance on how long it takes to respond to emergency calls through to Careline Centre, Health & Safety targets and Water testing targets.
- Undertake the specific Technical Services Association (TSA) Audit on a yearly basis that monitors the level of service being delivered by Careline Centre to our clients.
- Respond to 95% of complaints within target time.
- Ask residents how satisfied they are with the service.
- Follow policy and procedures for Compliment and Complaints Cases reported to have been dealt with unsatisfactorily will be investigated and any identified actions for improvement instigated.
- Share our performance through our Insight Magazine and on our website.
If you are not satisfied with the service or would like to compliment the service you have received, you can do so in several ways:
- In writing –
South Essex Homes
Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue
Southend on Sea,
Essex SS2 6FY - Via email –
- By telephone – 0800 833 160 (freephone)