What is anti-social behaviour?

Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) is any kind of nuisance, unreasonable behaviour or harassment which causes alarm or distress to others. For more information, you can download our ASB Policy here: Anti-Social Behaviour Policy 2023.pdf[pdf] 124KB

What is considered ASB?

The types of conduct that may amount to anti-social behaviour include (but are not limited to):

  • Intimidation or harassment
  • Aggressive and threatening language or behaviour
  • Actual violence against people and property
  • Hate crimes/Hate incidents
  • Regular and persistent noise nuisance which is having a significant impact on the lives of neighbouring residents

What is not considered ASB?

The types of conduct that we would not normally investigate as anti-social behaviour include (but are not limited to):

  • Children playing in the street, around their home or park and not causing damage or being abusive
  • Children arguing
  • People gathering and socialising in the street, unless causing damage, being abusive or threatening
  • Riding bikes or skateboards around the estates that we manage
  • Events in the home such as flushing toilets, cooking smells, smoking in own home, vacuuming floors, washing machines, babies crying or playing
  • Staring or looking at someone
  • Pets straying across garden areas
  • One off noise nuisance such as a one-off party or BBQ
  • Normal conversation heard through walls or floors
  • Noise travelling through ceilings or walls due to poor insulation or type of flooring
  • People carrying out DIY in reasonable hours (we normally suggest not outside the hours of 8am to 10pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 10pm on Saturdays and Sundays)
  • People mowing lawns during reasonable hours of the day (see previous point for suggested timescales)
  • Normal vehicle noise
  • Neighbours walking around their home and across floors
  • Neighbours closing doors, cupboards or windows
  • Parking issues, including parking across driveways
  • Civil disputes such as boundary issues
  • Certain incidents which may be considered a criminal offence, which should be reported to and dealt with by the police, such as burglary and theft


Graffiti is a problem worldwide.  It is classed as criminal damage and is therefore a crime.

It can be offensive, but by working together we can try and wipe the majority of it out and deal with the offenders.  Regulations under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 enable local authorities in England and Wales to issue £80 on-the-spot fines for graffiti. 

In line with our service standards our caretaking team aim to clear graffiti within 24 hours with our specialist products, however if the graffiti is stubborn to remove or covering a vast area we may paint the entire damaged area within seven days.

How to report it

Contact South Essex Homes on antisocialbehaviour@seh.southend.gov.uk or 0800 833163, email the Caretaking team on estateservices@seh.southend.gov.uk or report it via our online ASB form.

Noise problems

If you are concerned about the noise levels coming from next door, then often the best way to deal with the problem is to go to the source and talk to the person causing the problem.

Most problems can be solved amicably without the need for further action. You may feel anxious about approaching your neighbour but they may be unaware that they are the source of a problem. When approached, often they will be embarrassed about the nuisance they have been causing and will be more considerate in future. It is important to do this as early as possible before the problem spirals out of control.

Having a quiet word

  • Before you approach them, plan what you are going to say. Keep calm and be pleasant and they are more likely to respond positively to your complaint.
  • Never approach your neighbour when the noise is actually happening. You are more likely to be angry and have an argument if you do.
  • If it is late at night and your neighbours are playing music loudly or having a party, they may have been drinking alcohol. If this is the case, they are unlikely to be as receptive to your grievance as they may normally be - they may think you are just trying to spoil their enjoyment.

Be careful

Before you approach your neighbour, it is important to assess the risk to your personal safety and property. If you feel frightened or intimidated by your neighbour and you are worried that they may respond aggressively, then approaching them to complain may not be the best option for you.

If this is the case, check whether your neighbours are tenants. It is contained within the Conditions of Tenancy that tenants must not cause nuisance to neighbours and your Tenancy Services Officer will be able to assist in such cases.

Mediation Services

If you get a negative response from your neighbour and the noise continues, the next step in solving your problem would be to consider mediation. Your Tenancy Services Officer will be able to make the appropriate referral, please contact us on 0800 833 160.

Southend-on-Sea City Council

You may also like to visit the Southend-on-Sea City Council web pages relating to Noise Pollution, which you can access by clicking here: Noise pollution – Southend-on-Sea City Council

How to report ASB

You can report any ASB that you experience or witness 24 hours a day, using the telephone number or email address below:

  • Freephone: 0800 833 163 (24 hour)
  • Email: antisocialbehaviour@seh.southend.gov.uk

Report using our online form

Please complete this online reporting form to report anti social behaviour that you experience or witness.

Report ASB or a Hate Crime/Incident

If it is an urgent incident currently in progress (where property is in the process of being damaged or if there is any immediate threat) then please call the police on 999.

When completing the form, please provide as much detail as possible in order for us to arrange the best response.

If you feel a crime has been committed (but is not happening at the moment), please also report it to police on 101 and make note of the incident number.

How will we respond to your report?

South Essex Homes are committed to tackling anti-social behaviour across our communities, ensuring our customers feel safe in their homes. We recognise that ASB can have a significant impact on the lives of our customers and can have a disruptive effect on our communities.

We take ASB seriously and are committed to supporting our customers to resolve the issues, taking proportionate action where necessary using tools available to us as a social landlord. We will need to take a multi-agency approach with some reports, for example drug dealing or noise nuisance, and will offer you the appropriate support to refer this to then and take action where we have the evidence.

For details of what you can expect when reporting anti-social behaviour or a hate crime/incident to us, please refer to our Anti-Social Behaviour & Hate Crime Service Standard: Anti Social Behaviour and Hate Crime/Incident Service Standard | South Essex Homes

If you are unhappy with the response to your ASB case then you may be eligible to request an ASB Case Review, find out more here: ASB Case Review | South Essex Homes

Partnership Working

South Essex Homes are members of the Southend Community Safety Partnership (SCSP), a group of statutory and commissioned bodies to provide a coordinated response to crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour in Southend. The SCSP can help you with advocacy and provide information on the ASB Case Review process. Find out more at https://southendcsp.org.uk/

For further information and support

Contact Victim Support, the national charity that provides free and independent practical and emotional support to victims of crime or traumatic incidents. Victims can access their services regardless of when the crime happened or if the police are involved:

  • Call Essex Victim Support on 0808 178 1694 (open 8am-5pm, Mon-Fri).
  • Call the national, 24/7 Support line on 0808 168 9111
  • Visit their website at www.victimsupport.org.uk.
  • Visit www.asbhelp.co.uk for valuable information and advice about ASB.