We're Here to Help 

Our social media channels are  monitored by our Communications team between the hours of 9am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). A member of the team will aim to initially respond to enquiries within 24 hours , however we will often need to consult other teams to provide a helpful answer, this may take up to three working days. For anything urgent, please always call us on 0800 833160.

We want our social media followers to feel that they can communicate with us in a f riendly and constructive manner online. In turn we strive to reflect a wide range of interests for the benefit of all of our users. In order to achieve all this, we ask that all our social media users adhere to the Social Media Community Guidelines below.  

Sou th Essex Homes reserve the right to restrict access to our social media pages if followers persistently go against our guidelines. We’ll always offer alternative ways of contacting us.  

Our Guidelines...  

  1. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Please b e kind and polite, even if you disagree. Abusive or offensive language, aggression , threats, and bullying are not tolerated towards our staff or other users. Users behaving this way will be warned and then block e d .  

  1. Stay on topic. We understand that sometimes you may not be happy with our service, but please refrain from making repeated negative posts/comments to provoke a response. Unrelated and repetitive comments (spam) from the same user may be deleted . A better option is to direct message us about your issue or find out more about our complaints process here: Complaints | South Essex Homes  

  1. Protect your information. We will never ask you to post identifying information such as your address or contact details publicly. I f we need more information to assist with an enquiry, we will ask you to send us a direct message. To safeguard the privacy of individuals, we will remove any personally identifying information (where possible) from our public profiles .  

  1. Keep it constructive. We’re happy for you to share your opinions on our service via social media but ask that any criticism remain s constructive and on a subject we can act on or respond to. Please don’t post any false claims , misleading information , or content that is untrue or speculation about South Essex Homes , or our employees or contractors.    

  1. Remain respectful. please do not publish pictures of our staff, their names or their contact details on social media. If you would like to make a formal complaint about a member of staff, you can do so via our complaints proces s.  


We will always respond to  

  • clear questions about our services and policies  

  • general enquiries  

  • reports about our services  

We may also reach out to customers directly to rectify any issues when we see posts about our service .  


We may not respond to    

  • vague/general statements  

  • insults  

  • repetitive aggression  

  • inappropriate comments  

  • repetitive questioning by an individual once original question has been replied to  

  • repeatedly posting about an enquiry or complaint and not proactively seeking a resolution by following our guidance  


We reserve the right to remove any posts or comments that do not follow our guidelines from our social media profiles. We will inform the user of the reasoning for this and will warn them of our guidelines, if the user continues to ignore our guidelines they will be blocked and offered alternative means to contact us.  

You do not need to contact us via social media if you would rather not, click here to find out other ways to contact our teams: Contact Our Teams | South Essex Homes