Your Community Street and Getting Involved!
- Wider Community projects (190 residents) - Working with our tenants on gardening and art projects in our hostels and around our estates. Including Estate days, and summer parties, often held in partnership with other local organisations.
- There are also activities taking place usually during the school holidays, providing children with a meal and something to do whilst school is closed.
- Sheltered Housing Activities (117 residents) - These are activities which take place in our Sheltered Housing Schemes such as falls prevention classes and COPD workshops.
- Temporary Accommodation Projects (108 residents) — These take place in our Temporary Accommodations where there are often lots of young children, the projects provide them with activities to participate in after school or during the school holidays.
- Coffee mornings / Resident Meetings (154 residents) - To support tenants in setting up resident associations, work with established groups to represent residents views and concerns, encourage and promote community spirit.
- Resident Associations are made up of a group of residents who wish to make a difference in their area. They hold regular meetings with their neighbours and invite guest speakers to attend including officers from South Essex Homes.
- Digital Project (4 residents) - Meeting with Sheltered Housing residents to help them get online and learn to use technology
- Hubs and Drop Ins (27 residents) — An opportunity for residents to speak with their Tenancy Services Officers on their estate, to gain advice and signposting to helpful organisations.
- Focus Groups (15 residents) — Giving tenants the opportunity to have a say in service delivery and voice their opinion, to ensure that the right people receive feedback from tenants and can adjust plans accordingly.
We engaged with a total of 615 residents between October 2024 and January 2025!