Consumer Standards

Like all social housing landlords, Southend-on-Sea City Council (the Council) is required to meet specific standards set by the Regulator for Social Housing. As the registered provider, the Council holds the primary responsibility for ensuring that these Consumer Standards are met.  The Responsible Officer for ensuring delivery of the Consumer Standards at Southend is the Council’s Director of Regeneration, Housing and Regulatory Services.  However, as the Arm’s Length Management Organisation overseeing several housing functions on behalf of the Council, South Essex Homes (SEH) recognises our vital role in helping achieve these standards. 

The Regulator for Social Housing is the body that checks that social landlords are providing safe, good quality homes and that they are accountable to their tenants. They have set out how they expect landlords to do this by producing four Consumer Standards and they rate how well each landlord is complying with those standards, following an inspection – a bit like how the OFSTED process works in schools.

The social housing consumer standards include:

  1. Safety and Quality Homes standard  

  1. Transparency, Influence and Accountability standard  

  1. Neighbourhood and Community standard  

  1. Tenancy standard  

These standards aim to improve the quality of housing and services for social housing tenants and more details about each standard are provided below .

For more information about these consumer standards, please visit the website: Consumer standards Code of Practice - GOV.UK (  

If you have any specific questions relating to South Essex Homes , feel free to ask! You can email us at .  

To see South Essex Homes’ latest performance information, please visit: Our Performance | South Essex Homes  


Safety and Quality Homes Standard

The Safety and Quality Homes Standard outlines key requirements for landlords to ensure tenants live in safe, well-maintained homes. Here are the main points: 

  1. Stock Quality: Landlords must have an accurate, up-to-date understanding of the condition of their homes to provide good quality and safe housing. 
  2. Decency: Homes must meet the Decent Homes Standard, ensuring they are in a reasonable state of repair, have modern facilities, and are warm and weatherproof. 
  3. Health and Safety: Landlords must take all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of tenants in their homes and communal areas. 
  4. Repairs and Maintenance: An effective, efficient, and timely repairs and maintenance service must be provided. 
  5. Adaptations: Assistance must be provided to tenants seeking housing adaptations to access appropriate services. 

These standards aim to ensure that tenants live in safe, comfortable, and well-maintained homes.  

Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard

The Transparency, Influence and Accountability Standard ensures that landlords are open with tenants and treat them fairly. Here are the key points: 

  1. Fairness and Respect: Landlords must treat tenants with fairness and respect, considering their diverse needs. 
  2. Tenant Engagement: Tenants should have opportunities to influence and scrutinize landlord decisions and services. 
  3. Information Access: Landlords must provide clear, accessible information about services and performance. 
  4. Complaints Handling: Complaints must be addressed fairly, effectively, and promptly. 

These measures aim to empower tenants and ensure they can hold their landlords accountable.  

Neighbourhood and Community Standard

The Neighbourhood and Community Standard focuses on ensuring that tenants live in safe, clean, and well-maintained neighbourhoods. Here are the main points: 

  • Neighbourhood Management: Landlords must keep communal areas clean and safe, working with tenants and other organizations when necessary. 
  • Local Cooperation: Landlords should collaborate with local partners to promote social, environmental, and economic well-being in their communities. 
  • Anti-Social Behaviour: Landlords must work with local authorities and other agencies to prevent and address anti-social behaviour and hate incidents. 
  • Domestic Abuse: Landlords should cooperate with agencies tackling domestic abuse to provide support and advice to affected tenants. 

These standards aim to create a supportive and safe living environment for all tenants. 

Tenancy Standard

The Tenancy Standard ensures fair and transparent management of tenancies by landlords. Here are the key points: 

  1. Allocations and Lettings: Homes must be allocated and let in a fair, transparent manner, considering the needs of tenants and prospective tenants. 
  2. Tenancy Sustainment: Landlords should support tenants to maintain their tenancies and prevent unnecessary evictions. 
  3. Tenure: Tenancies should be compatible with the purpose of the accommodation and the needs of households. 
  4. Mutual Exchange: Landlords must support tenants in mutually exchanging their homes if eligible. 

These standards aim to ensure that tenancies are managed fairly and effectively.