Our Performance

We have measures in place to make sure that we are delivering the service that meets the expectations of our tenants.  

We have an agreed set of performance measures, against which we regularly check how we are doing and how we compare to other housing organisations. 

Our Key Performance Indicators (known as KPIs) help to inform us about:

  • Building Safety (how many properties have had the necessary checks completed).
  • Operational Efficiency (how quickly we are carrying out work).
  • Operative Performance (how effectively our staff and contractors are performing).

Overall we need to be sure we are providing the best services we can with the resources available to us (getting the best value for money).

These KPIs are set using a variety of factors including :

  • Service standards, which have been set in conjunction with our residents.
  • The requirements of regulatory bodies and Southend City Council, as the Registered Provider.
  • Our budget spend – how we are able to spend the money that Southend City Council gives us for managing the service.
  • Reflecting on our previous performance as well as the performance of the wider social housing sector – and setting realistic goals for improvement.

Through our performance management system, we can easily see if there are any areas for concern and respond to them, so we can then track improvements over time.


Tenant Satisfaction Measures

We carry out annual telephone surveys with residents to obtain a snapshot of how a cross section of tenants feel about how South Essex Homes are performing.

The resulting feedback is analysed for trends so we can identify any areas for concern and respond accordingly – these are known as Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs).  However we also pick up on individual issues highlighted through these surveys (such as outstanding repairs or complaints) and ensure they are addressed by the relevant team.

More details about TSMs and the latest results of the annual survey can be found here: Tenant Satisfaction Measures | South Essex Homes

In Summary

Performance management is about us:

  • Being clear what we want to do
  • Knowing whether we are doing it – or not
  • Taking quick and effective action if anything goes wrong
  • Making sure we are doing what customers want
  • Telling our residents and other stakeholders how we are performing