South Essex Homes is committed to always providing its customers with a high standard of service. However, we accept that there may be occasions when you are not satisfied with the service which you have received and as a result you may wish to make a complaint.
We try to make it easy for our customers to make a complaint and accept complaints in most formats and from a variety of sources, including email, our online feedback form, letter, telephone, text or message via Facebook.
All complaints will be dealt with promptly and in a professional manner by appropriate member(s) of staff. Confidentiality will be preserved as far as is possible.
Complaints relating to nuisance or harassment by neighbours will be dealt with separately, under the Anti–Social Behaviour Policy.
Logging complaints
All complaints will be registered, logged and investigated by our Corporate Complaints Team as set out in our Complaints Policy. The team will decide which service area your complaint relates to and will liaise with members of that team as part of their investigation into your complaint. We aim to provide a full response to your complaint within 10 working days.
The Corporate Complaints Team will log all complaints on our Complaints Database and save a copy of the complaint and our response on to Civica (the application that we use to save documents electronically). This team will monitor all complaints and ensure that a reply is sent out to you within the agreed timescale. The team will also monitor any follow up actions that have been identified during the investigation.
Monitoring Our Performance
The Complaint Handling Code - Housing Ombudsman ( sets out good practice that helps us respond to complaints effectively and fairly. Our annual self assessment completed in line with the Housing Ombudsman Code along with our Annual Complaints Report prepared for the South Essex Homes Board on 20 June 2024 and the South Essex Homes Board statement relating to complaints can be found below:
Statement of South Essex Homes Board in relation to Annual Complaints Performance & Service Improvement Report
The Board have read, discussed and noted the contents of the Annual Complaints Performance and Service Improvement Report provided to the Board at the meeting on 20 June 2024. The Board support the approach of our organisation in seeking to understand the lessons raised by each complaint received and we resolve to ensure the organisation learns from every interaction whether it leads to a complaint or otherwise.
20 June 2024.
Details of the number of complaints we receive and compliance with our performance indicators are reported as part of our year end performance information. Wherever possible we will learn from the complaints we receive, and, in each case, we will identify where a lesson or amendment to a service has been identified to improve how we do things. We will record these lessons learned and report them to our Executive Management Team.
As part of the monthly performance monitoring, the Executive Management Team will receive updates on Complaint stages and performance against complaints responded to in target time. The Board will receive information on complaints performance annually.
We ensure that we benchmark against our peers to learn from other organisations within the housing sector on how they provide their service.
Our Contractors
South Essex Homes ensures that it monitors the complaints about our contractors. Each contractor will be expected to have a Complaints Policy comparable to the Policy of South Essex Homes. In particular, complaints about the service provided by our larger contractors will be reviewed and discussed with individual contractors at client management meetings and reported to the Board on an exception basis.