You said...
The Complaints Review Panel suggested that new residents should be informed about their option to apply for a water meter to help manage utility costs.
We did...
We have included this information in the new property welcome packs, ensuring all new residents are aware of this option from the start of their tenancy.
You Said...
More and more residents were wanting to buy a mobility scooter but they were not sure of the rules around owning and storing one in their Council home. This was a very important issue for many residents as having a mobility scooter allowed them greater independence but suitable storage and charging facilities are a challenge.
We Did...
The Disability Focus Group worked with SEH to create a policy and agree the application process for keeping a mobility scooter. We agreed that SEH would not refuse a resident permission to have a mobility scooter, as long as we are sure that it can be kept safely and would not put themselves or another resident at risk, particularly if there was a fire safety risk. The Focus Group also asked that we provide a customer friendly leaflet to explain the policy simply to anyone thinking of buying a scooter, which was produced and is available either in paper form or on our website.
You Said... The Income Focus Group recently reviewed the Specialist Income Management Service standard. During the meeting, attendees reviewed two separate documents and had a productive discussion, offering valuable suggestions for improvement.
The group recommended combining the two documents into one streamlined and easy-to-use version to improve transparency. Their feedback included important points and questions about the Income Management Service.
We Did... Following these suggestions, we have fully revised and merged the documents into one clear and easy-to-read version, incorporating the group's ideas. With the updated service standard document to be shared with the group at the next meeting. We always value and appreciate the group's contributions.
You Said... We need clearer records of key actions from focus group discussions to track progress and outcomes.
We Did... Start recording key actions in all focus group minutes to ensure transparency and demonstrate the outcomes of discussions, helping to drive real improvements.
You Said... The Disability and Carers Action Group requested to hold some meetings in sheltered schemes to help attract new members.
We Did... Share this request with the Resident Engagement Team, and in collaboration with the Chair, meetings were arranged in sheltered schemes, starting in February 2024.
You Said... Members of the Disability and Carers Action Group requested that, when meetings are held in sheltered schemes, a Resident Engagement Officer to attend if possible.
We Did... The Chair discussed this with the Resident Engagement Team, who agreed that, where possible, a Resident Engagement Officer will attend meetings in sheltered schemes
You Said... A resident from the Disability Group raised concerns that the noticeboards in their area were not well-maintained or kept up to date. They offered to assist in keeping the information current.
We Did... The Chair of the group passed this feedback to the Resident Engagement Officer, who contacted the resident. The resident has now been given a key and is actively helping to keep the noticeboard updated.
You Said... Members of the Disability Group living in sheltered schemes expressed that they are often unaware of when the Sheltered Housing Officer is in the office.
We Did.. The Chair of the group raised this with the Sheltered Housing Manager, who confirmed that a notice will be placed on the office door or window to indicate when the officer will be available.
You Said... Members of the Income Focus Group noted a decline in numbers since COVID and asked for support in promoting the group to attract new members.
We Did... Share an advertisement with the Resident Advisory Panel, resulting in an overwhelming response. New members will be attending the next meeting on February 25.
You Said... The group highlighted that some residents struggle to contact the office during the day due to other commitments, making it difficult to discuss their rent arrears.
We Did... Introduce a pilot scheme, allowing staff to make "out of hours" calls between 6 pm and 8 pm for those unable to call during normal working hours. The initiative was successful and has now been permanently implemented to help reduce arrears
You Said... Members of the Responsive Repairs Focus Group said that the welcome box would benefit from including a cleaning cloth.
We Did... Speak to the contractors, and the cleaning cloth has been added to the Welcome box for new residents.