Mutual Exchange
If you want to swap your council house or flat with someone else's house or flat, we call this a mutual exchange. You can swap locally with another Southend-on-Sea City Council tenant or nationally with other Housing Association or local council tenants. If you live in an adapted property, please see our advice at the bottom of this page.
You can advertise your home in the following ways...
- At your local shop
- In your local newspaper or in the local newspaper of the area you wish to move to.
- Using the mutual exchange website:
- Via our internal mutual exchange process
- You will need permission from us before you exchange properties.
If you require any support in applying for a mutual exchange or would like to be added to the internal list, please contact the Housing Support Team on 0800 833 160 or via email
Once your application to exchange has been received, we will:
- Carry out a property inspection.
- Check your property for adaptations and, if there are any, check to see if the incoming resident requires these (this may be a ground for refusal).
- Ensure that the property is the right size for the incoming tenant i.e. that they won't be under/over occupying the property.
- Check for any breaches in Tenancy Conditions (dependent on stage of the breach, this could be a ground for refusal).
- Check what type of tenancy you have, you will not be able to mutual exchange if you or the person you wish to exchange with hold an introductory or non-secure tenancy.
- Liaise with the other landlord if exchanging outside of South Essex Homes managed property.
- Write to you either agreeing or refusing the exchange (explaining our reasons for refusal). We must do this within 42 days of us receiving application from all parties to exchange.
- If the exchange is agreed then we will make arrangements for the deed of assignment (or, in the case of flexible tenancies, the surrender form and new tenancy agreement) to be signed.
- Arrange electrical, gas and plumbing checks to be undertaken and ensure the property has a valid EPC certificate either before or on the day the assignment takes place.
- Ensure you are aware of any implications regarding tenure, rent and service changes as a result of a mutual exchange.
- Ensure that tenants are advised whether damp, mould and condensation have has been identified and details of any action taken by South Essex Homes.
If you fail to obtain permission prior to exchanging we could commence possession action against you.