Focus Groups

South Essex Homes holds 'Focus Groups' with residents, to ensure that residents are involved in the work that we do.

The Focus Group meetings, which are held in different frequencies according to the need, give tenants the opportunity to have a say in service delivery and voice their opinion in an environment which ensures that the right people receive feedback from tenants and can adjust plans accordingly.

Due to the pandemic we were not able to meet with our residents face to face as the safety, health and wellbeing of our residents and staff is paramount.  This situation did however give us the opportunity to meet with some residents online and the feedback was very positive.  We now combine face to face and online meetings across our focus groups, giving greater access to our residents in helping us shape our services.

At present, Focus Groups exist for the following service areas:

  • Disability & Carers
  • Income Management

  • Leaseholder

  • Planned Maintenance

  • Responsive Repairs, Gas, and Voids

The terms of reference and previous minutes for each focus group will be linked below as they become available. If you have an interest in any of these subject areas and would like to find out more, please contact the Resident Engagement Team via email to