Cecil Court Information Page

Welcome to our information page for residents of Cecil Court. Below you will find a selection of information specific to your block including your patch, West 3.

If you cannot find what you are looking for on this page please try searching our main website for information regarding repairs, complaintsEstate Services, and more.

Please provide your feedback on the form below, this will help us to make sure this page works best for you and your neighbours.

Feedback Form

West 3

  • The Tenancy Services Officer for the West 3 patch is Emma Saville. The Housing Support Officers for the West 3 area are Janice Cleaver and Lyndsey Clarke.

  • Tenancy Services email: emmasaville@seh.southend.gov.uk
  • Housing Services email: janicecleaver@seh.southend.gov.uk / lyndseyclarke@seh.southend.gov.uk
  • Tenancy contact number: 0800 833160
  • Housing Services contact number: 0800 833160

Resident Engagement West

Your Resident Engagement Officer is Sarah Gallagher.

If you would like to contact the Resident Engagement team about any upcoming events or any ideas your have to improve your community, please send them an email on residentengagement@seh.southend.gov.uk 

Anti-Social Behaviour & Rough Sleeping

You can report any ASB that you experience or witness 24 hours a day, using the telephone number or email address below:

  • Freephone: 0800 833 160
  • Email: antisocialbehaviour@seh.southend.gov.uk

Report using our online form

Please complete this online reporting form to report anti social behaviour that you experience or witness.

Report ASB or a Hate Crime/Incident

If it is an urgent incident currently in progress (where property is in the process of being damaged or if there is any immediate threat) then please call the police on 999.

When completing the form, please provide as much detail as possible in order for us to arrange the best response.

If you feel a crime has been committed (but is not happening at the moment), please also report it to police on 101 or on their website (Home | Essex Police) and make note of the incident number.


Streetlink connects people sleeping rough to local services, please contact them if you find anyone sleeping rough in your block.

Call 999 if the person is in immediate danger, needs medical assistance, is under 18 or is with someone who is under 18.


If you speak to a rough sleeper, please let them know about HARP's services, and particularly their Bradbury Day Centre on York Road, where they can access a free hot breakfast as well as advice and support.


CrimeStoppers is an independent charity that gives you the power to speak up to stop crime, 100% anonymously.

Call them on 0800 555111

Essex Police

  • Report a crime to Essex Police online here: Report a crime | Essex Police
  • Report something you have seen or heard here: Something you've seen or heard | Essex Police
  • You can call 101 if you would like to speak to the police directly about something, this line is open 24 hours a day
  • Call 999 if there is an immediate danger to life, someone is using violence or is threatening to be violent, a crime is happening right now, or if the suspect is still at the scene