Resident Engagement Service Standard

What we will do:

  • We will not make any decisions about the services we provide or change the way we do things without giving you the opportunity to voice your ideas, concerns or opinions.
  • We will make it as easy as possible for you to get involved with us and within your local community; widely promoting engagement opportunities which are flexible and designed to suit the amount of time you have spare at any one time and to reflect your areas of interest or skill.
  • We will increase the opportunities for you to engage with us digitally, including online meetings, surveys and polls, Facebook posts and via QR codes within blocks. There will also be face to face methods such as estates days, activities in the community, walkabouts and consultation sessions.  
  • We will welcome residents from diverse backgrounds and with a mix of interests to talk to and work with us.
  • Through the Resident’s Advisory Panel, Focus Groups and Tenants and Residents Involvement Groups (TRIGs) we will help you hold South Essex Homes ‘to account’, look at our performance and services, and suggest ways we can improve.
  • We will work in partnership with you, offer support and advice to existing community groups and help anyone who wants to start up a new community group or initiative.
  • We will provide support and resources to help you engage with us effectively. This includes supporting you to become digitally included, provide access to training that you may find useful to develop your skills and knowledge, and facilitating the sharing of best practice with residents from similar organisations.
  • We will host an annual 'Big Conversation' to engage a broad range of residents, providing an opportunity to discuss how South Essex Homes is performing and gather input on priorities for the year ahead.
  • We will ensure residents receive invitations for meetings and activities, as well as minutes, in a timely manner—within two weeks unless otherwise specified in advance.
  • We will provide regular feedback to you after engagement activities to keep you up to date with how your involvement has impacted on services.
  • We will ensure residents are not placed in financial hardship due to their involvement by providing expenses and setting out a clear and transparent expenses policy.
  • Recognise residents who contribute positively to the community via acknowledgements at meetings and via South Essex Homes publications and media channels.


How you can help us achieve our set of Service Standards:

  • Familiarise yourself with all the opportunities South Essex Homes have for you to engage with us and get involved with how services are delivered. This can be accessed via our webpage: Getting Involved | South Essex Homes or by sending an email/giving us a call (see details below). 
  • Register if you want to get involved with us in any way, using the forms on the relevant webpages or contact the Resident Engagement team. 
  • Interact with our social media posts/email polls and surveys.
  • Complete satisfaction surveys.
  • Get involved with things that interest you or where you think we can do better.
  • Get involved within your community.
  • Only give the time you can afford.
  • Inform other residents about opportunities there are to get involved with us.
  • Contact us if you have any ideas about improvements we can make, or activities you would like to see.


How to contact the Resident Engagement Team

By phone: 0800 833 160


Satisfaction and Monitoring

We are committed to engaging with residents regarding the services we provide, in order to continuously improve.

We will record our performance and will ask residents how satisfied they are with the service. We will share our performance information through our Insight Magazine and on our website here: Our Performance | South Essex Homes

If you are not satisfied with the service or would like to compliment the service you have received, you can do so in a number of ways:

  •   In writing:

South Essex Homes

Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue

Southend on Sea,

Essex SS2 6FY