Activities are Back!

With activities now allowed to resume in our sheltered housing schemes, we hear from Neve, one of our Support Services Assistants, about the activities that residents have been enjoying recently.
The choir at Adams Elm House has been a great success. With over 15 residents attending every week, they are really enjoying the sessions with their teacher. This idea came from one of the residents at Adams Elm House asking if it is possible to get a choir together as a lot of the residents enjoy singing and attend choirs outside the scheme. The residents are having so much fun and are happy to be socialising with their neighbours again.
Active Life
Residents at Adams Elm House and Nicholson House have been attending Active Life sessions in their scheme lounge. This activity is called Seated Fitness, helping residents be able to have a fun exercise session whilst being able to sit down or to exercise standing up with the support of the chair. The residents said, “they look forward to the session every Thursday”. At this time, COVID measures were still in place, following the government guidelines the residents still enjoyed exercising socially distanced and in a safe manner.
Everyone Health
Everyone Health visited Bradfordbury for 12 weeks, teaching the residents about nutrition and weekly hour exercise classes. The session would last an hour and a half, and the residents would complete this every week. At the start of the 12 weeks, residents would be weighed and given a book filled with lots of information about the body and the food we eat. They would then track their progress over the 12 weeks and see how they are improving. Some residents didn’t miss one week of the classes as they said it has really benefited them.
Yoga 4 All
Yoga 4 All has been one of the best exercise classes put on for sheltered. The positive impact it has had on some of the residents has been amazing. Keeley who teaches yoga has been highly thought of by the residents as they said it has really helped with their breathing and mental health. The classes were spread out over 4 schemes so a lot of residents can enjoy the sessions, but because so many residents loved it, they will be looking for more funding in the future.
Here are some testimonials from residents “I had serious breathing problems and attending Yoga 4 All has been a miracle medical, I can breathe a lot better. It’s made me come out of my flat and be more sociable” and “Exercise like yoga gets your endorphins going, calms you down and can go out in a completely different mood, it’s built my confidence”