Injunction served on Westcliff residents | Latest News

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Injunction served on Westcliff residents

On Friday 24 September, at Southend County Court, District Judge Foss granted an Injunction Order against both Defendants having been satisfied with the evidence that was presented through witness statements and body cam footage. 

The ex-parte injunction (meaning it was applied for without notice) was issued due to serious anti-social behaviour involving the inhabitants of a flat in Westcliff, and their visitors.

The injunction will protect those Officers who need to visit the address to carry out their jobs by ordering the Defendants and their visitors to not be abusive or intimidating.  It also serves to prevent people from visiting the property between 11pm at night until 4pm the following day (apart from emergency services or those permitted by South Essex Homes) and forbids them from any dealings with illegal drugs in the property.  It comes with the power of arrest, so any breaches of this injunction will lead to a visit from Essex Police officers as well as further action with regards to their tenancy.

Sarah Lander, Assistant Director at South Essex Homes, said: “Criminal and anti-social behaviour such as this can cause misery to other law-abiding people living in the vicinity and South Essex Homes will not tolerate this. This injunction should drastically improve the quality of life of the residents who had been affected by the actions of this father and son pair and their visitors.  This successful outcome has been achieved thanks to excellent partnership working between South Essex Homes, Essex Police and the Southend-on-Sea Borough Council legal team so I would like to personally thank all involved for their efforts.”

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