Firework Night Safety | Latest News

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Firework Night Safety

When it comes to firework night an organized display is usually a lot cheaper, safer, and more fun than fireworks at home but if you chose to have your own firework party you should make sure that you are being as safe as possible.

Follow the Firework Code.

Plan your firework display to make it safe and enjoyable.

Keep fireworks in a closed box taking them out one at a time.

Read and follow the instructions on each firework using a torch.

Light the firework at arms length with a taper then stand well back.

Keep naked flames away from fireworks.

Never return to a firework once it has been lit.

Do not put fireworks in your pockets and never throw them away.

Ensure all fireworks are directed away from spectators.

Never use accelerants on bonfires.

Make sure that the fire is out and the surroundings are made safe before leaving.

If possible have a garden hose or a bucket of water available.

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