Performance Management

This is how we make sure that we are actually doing what residents want us to do. It also means that we can make sure we are carrying out the work that the Government and Southend City Council expect us to do. 

How do we measure how we are doing? 

We have an agreed set of indicators and targets, against which we measure ourselves – and are measured against others. 

Our performance indicators tell us if we are meeting our targets or not, and through our performance management system, we can easily see if there are any areas for concern.  Included in our performance indicators is a list of service standards which our residents have told us are important to them. 

Each year Southend City Council gives us a fee for managing the service. We decide how to spend this money in our budget.  

How do we review progress and take action?

The South Essex Homes’ Board receive reports on the progress we are making on our plans, performance indicators and budgets at each meeting. If there are any problems, the Board will tell us what actions we need to take, or guide us in revising our plans or objectives.

How do we consult with our stakeholders, and set new priorities? 

Through our Focus Groups and surveys, our residents tell us their views on our achievements, and tell us if they think we need to concentrate more closely on some activities. Southend City Council also tell us their priorities, either through their Housing Strategy or their own Corporate Plan, and agree with us how much money will be available to spend on our services for the following year. 
Once we know what our stakeholders are thinking, and what money is available, we can then determine our targets for the year ahead. 

In Summary

Performance management is about us:

  • Being clear what we want to do
  • Knowing whether we are doing it – or not
  • Taking quick and effective action if anything goes wrong
  • Making sure we are doing what customers want
  • Telling our residents and other stakeholders how we are performing